Sunday, October 25, 2009

self portraits

I never ever want to be in front of the camera. I always think I look awful. I'm sure most everyone thinks that. But, for me it is often true. I take BAD pictures. Ask my mom, she'll tell you.

Well, I am doing this little online class to push me with my creativity and to surround myself with like minded souls. It is awesome and so far I am loving it! We get assignments every week. A photo taking assignment and some journal work to get us thinking about our creative process. The class is called "Bones of Poet" - how romantic and wonderful is that in and of itself?

This past week, we were to do a self portrait. Lots of stuff to think about it shooting the picture (who am I, what inspires me, etc.) I totally avoided it all week. But, today is the day we get a new assignment and I wanted to make sure to get it done before I read the new project.

So, this morning in the freezing cold, I grabbed my coffee and headed outside to see what I would come up with. I took so many pictures of myself. Seriously. More pictures were taken of me today than have been taken in the past 5 years. Of course, I deleted a ton of them. But here are some that I liked...(enjoy)

self portrait: silly, happy faces of me

self portrait: wishing

self portrait: dance

self portrait: leap


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

I love all of these! I am so, so terrible about not putting myself in front of the camera, too. I LOVE the leap one - brilliant!

Unknown said...

These are great photos! Sounds like a really fun class!

mosaica said...

You. Are. Beautiful.

I just thought you should know.
