Wednesday, November 11, 2009


At the risk of you all thinking I am a flaky nut case, I am reorganizing this blog space once again. I know, you are thinking, here she goes again. But, I have to do this. All my visions for what I wanted to do with it just are not happening, and I have felt a little confused. Yes, confused.

That is because I originally started blogging as a way to capture the happy moments of our days as a family. I would like to one day take all my blog entries and get them printed in books for my kiddos to have when they are older. I often wonder about what life was like growing up, the things we did, what me and my sister liked to do. I think it is important to take note of the growing up of my children.

I am not the kind of mom that keeps a baby book, most of my printed photos are stuffed into a box. But, I do want to remember what our family was like years and years from now. I find blogging to be a really easy way to organize and keep our memories all together.

The thing is that I am also doing some of my own personal soul searching, exploring my artistic side, etc. Some of that is more difficult to write about and I am not sure I want it in a forever book that my kids will have some day. You know?

I am not sure all this personal exploration stuff is even worth capturing and sharing about. But, I do know that I really enjoy reading about the inner thoughts of other moms and artists. I find it inspiring and it helps to hear what other women are dealing with.

When I fist started this blog, that was my intention, to share some more of that stuff. But, I also want to keep a journal of sorts about my kids and our family life. The two things just are not meshing for me here. So, I end up thinking of lots of things I want to say, but keeping silent because I am not sure how much or how to share it all.

Sooooooo... (long story to get here, sorry!)

I am going to go back to blogging at Chubbas 'n Boop. And I am going to keep this blog as my own personal space. Our life as a family, the daily happy moments, will be over there and over here, I am going to keep it all about me and my journey.

Which might get boring and annoying. Sorry. But, that makes keeping the 2 things seperate all the better. If you are interested in my own personal creative journey stick around, we'll see where this takes us.

If you are more interseted in the slow family rhythm I like to keep, homeschooling, raising my kiddos, what's happening with Anabel and Enrique, art groups, etc. then you can follow all of that over at Chubbas 'n Boop.

And if all of my wonderful ramblings fascinate you, then you can visit both blogs. :) (cuz I am so interesting, I know!)

It will take a bit to get back into the groove, I am sure. And I need to do some house keeping here, so be patient while I move things around.

Oh, and I want you to know that I really do appreciate all of you who stop by! I do. I think all of us human beings just want to feel like what we are doing matters and what we have to say is heard. So, thanks for listening. xoxox ~Lisa


AmberDusick said...

Good idea to just do two blogs so you feel free to express your own stuff over here. Hey, how has the diaper site been going? I haven't talked to you in a while!

Anonymous said...

I find two blogs work better for me as well, since there is such a different feel to each of them :-) I look forward to reading more on both!

laura @ peacoat said...

i'm going through a blog identity crisis myself! so i understand. at least you're working it out. i just let it swirl around and around in my head.

also, will make your blog into a book for you if you're serious. maybe you'll want to try that with your personal blog? WAY easier than scrapbooking, i say!