Monday, July 20, 2009

my dreams and goals

Part of why I created this new blog is because there has been lots of dreaming happening in our household, but not alot of making those dreams come true. You know how when you are dreaming all the time, the present moment starts to seem not so great? That has been happening alot as well.

So, how does one (meaning me) go about perusing our family's dreams and goals but enjoy where we are at right now? I love the old saying, "wherever you go, there you are." I know the grass is not always greener, but there are things that I still want to experience in this life.

AND, I want to enjoy, cherish and celebrate what is happening RIGHT NOW. It is a tricky path to be on, enjoying the journey, but looking forward to where we are going.

So, where are we going? Well, Don and I spend ALOT of time talking about what we want for us and our kiddos in this life. We have a few big dreams we can see us doing:

1. Build a house in the mountains of Colorado. Buy some land, live in a trailer or a cabin or something and build a house ourselves. It may take many years, but in the end, we will be debt free and have the house of our dreams.

2. Go live abroad in someplace like Costa Rica for a long time, or even until we get old. We sometimes talk about doing #1, but in another country.
Photo by maveric2003 on flickr.

3. Buy an old Airstream and some cool old car to tow it and live on the road for as long as it is making us happy. Travel and see the country with our kids. Homeschool on the road, move whenever we feel like it.
Photo by koocheekoo on flickr.

4. Buy an old house in a smaller town and fix it up. Live a really simple life, but travel lots and make tons of art.
Photo by joseph a on flickr.

Now, which of these are we going after? None of them really. We are just talking. We would love it if we do all of it before we die. At this rate, it won't happen. Talk is cheap, you know?

So, lately we have been talking about making some goals that will allow at least one of the above daydreams to actually happen. The thing all four of those things have in common? Money. We need money and/or a means to support ourselves while doing them. So that is what we are focusing on right now. Learning to live really frugally so we can pay off our debts and save some money.

Our present goal is to pay off our debt. Writing this, I am not even sure exactly how much that is. I will find out in the next few weeks and come back here to update that. We are taking on some money challenges to help us confront and change our spending habits. You can read about our money games here.

And, you can follow us on our dreaming journeys here. We are all about chasing our dreams these days!


Liebe Lebenskunst said...
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Liebe Lebenskunst said...

Yay! I can't wait to follow your journey! And now and then be a little part of it ;o)

Mrs. Hoch and Mrs. Schreiber said...

All your dreams are amazing. I love them all. I can't wait to see which one you go after first!